Clinics / Hunter Paces / Official Hunt Trail Rides


Held at Rivendell and various other locations are a way to meet and learn from experienced competitors. They are conducted throughout the year by top professional riders for all disciplines and levels. Many Clinics allow auditors (those who wish to observe but not participate).

Hunter Paces and Trail Rides:

Usually involve a reservation and a prepayment of entry at least one week prior to the event. The prepayment typically includes lunch.

Hunter Paces run in teams of 2 or 3 people. They are timed over a course of between 3-7 miles with jumps at approximately 2’6”. Modified Paces guarantee a way to go around every jump. Modified Paces are good for children because they are also usually on the shorter side.

Trail Rides are sponsored by hunts and trail associations. They go out in groups based on ability and are an enjoyable way to see the countryside from horseback.



  • Jodphurs
  • Jodphur boots
  • Garters


  • High boots
  • Breeches
  • Dark gloves (many horses toss their heads and hands get sore without gloves)
  • Hard hat with a harness
  • Neat sweater or sweatshirt
  • Hair braided or tucked in